wave goodbyeMy husband is a hospital chaplain and told of a man in the intensive care unit (ICU) who was dying of stomach cancer.  The man had been fighting the cancer for several years, and was brought to the brink of death much faster than anyone anticipated.  He had a wife and grown children, and the wife was angry — angry that he was dying and losing the fight.  She wanted to be married to a winner, did not want to talk about death, did not want to make plans for when he died, did not like what the doctors were telling her, and dealt with this by refusing to visit her husband.

When someone you love is dying or has died, it is easy to get caught up in the fantasy of, “If I don’t say good-bye, they won’t leave.”  But it doesn’t work that way.  Death has a way of taking people away from us whether we like it or not, and whether we say good-bye or not.

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demonI’m not sure what I believed about demons before I met one.  As a Psychic Medium, I probably should have read up on them and contemplated their existence, but aside from their portrayal in movies and the TV show “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” I really didn’t think about them at all.  But I think about them now.

I encountered the demon Jonathan in my basement.  I had no inkling that he was there, so the confrontation was sudden, shocking, and terrifying.  Which is precisely what he was going for.

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A friend of mine posted on Facebook that she had been the victim of a racial attack while walking across a parking lot to her car.  She is Korean-American, and the attack came from a Caucasian man screaming insults out his car window.  This bothered me.  A lot.  And not just because this woman is my friend and a wonderful human being.  It bothered me because I couldn’t understand it.

I don’t know what you believe or know about reincarnation, but I believe and know that when we die, our bodies die for good, and our spirits live on, ascend, and are reincarnated into a future body and future life.  Our spirits gain a wide variety of experiences, as we move through different lives that can have us living as one gender, one race, and one sexual orientation in one part of the world, followed by a life as another gender, another race, and another orientation in a completely different part of the world.  Over millennia, we grow and develop a perspective that is naturally inclusive, as we have been a lot of people during that time.  To be racist feels to me like hating myself.  If everyone has been a lot of someones over time, how does racism still exist?

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ghost-with-a-bagMy heartfelt thanks go out to my friend and fellow blogger, Christina Krost (, for sending me questions that actual children (hers and others from their elementary school) actually asked about ghosts.  Their questions show a level of basic understanding and sophisticated inquiry that surprised me!  I have added two questions that were asked of me by another child, and shall now answer them all.  (A quick aside about terminology: our spirits are our spirits in any state — alive, Earth-bound in the afterlife, or ascended in the afterlife — but ghosts are spirits that are Earth-bound in the afterlife only.  Once you ascend and go to heaven, you are no longer a ghost.)

Are ghosts always the age they died at? How does age work? Do ghosts have birthdays? 

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archangel michaelI met Archangel Michael when I was dealing with a rather pesky dead mother-in-law (someone else’s, not mine) who Would. Not. Ascend.  I had done a Reading for the daughter-in-law, who was troubled by the circumstances of the woman’s death, and other family matters.  The Reading went well, all the daughter-in-law’s questions were answered and her mind was put at ease, and I felt good about all the loose ends I was able to help her tie up.  But that was not enough for the mother-in-law.  Her spirit was at peace, but she was bound and determined to continue to haunt their house and be a meddlesome pest.  I, on the other hand, was determined to see her ascend and spoke a quiet “God help me” prayer under my breath.

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My Home by Roy Shapley
My Home by Roy Shapley

One of my blog subscribers posted a series of questions in the comments section of last week’s post: Is it possible for a spirit to jump into a living person’s body?  If so, why do they do this? Is it to gain power, strength and energy or is it to be closer to that person or perhaps just to experience life again?  Have you had any experiences where you have been able to confirm for another person that there is indeed a spirit living inside the body or soul of a living person?

I am no expert on the subject of “jumping in,” but surprisingly, I know the answers to most all of these questions.  Yes, it is possible for a spirit to jump into a living person’s body.  I know this because it happened to me. 

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In my last blog post, I wrote about the transitional phase following death.  (If you haven’t read it, you can do so here.)  During this transitional time, spirits adjust to life without a body, and are tasked with making peace with their life and their death.  When spirits are free of all spiritual baggage and fully at peace, they ascend.  The ascension process is a “moving on” and involves what I call The Great Transformation.

As spirits, we are pure energy.  Separated from our bodies, the transitional phase is marked by a cleaning of that energy.  I referred to the impurities with which we enter death as “spiritual baggage” in my last column, but really it is spiritual dirt and debris.  And ascension requires that we be “clean,” for two basic reasons.  One, the energy transformation that occurs during ascension is like a chemical reaction that only works with clean energy.  And two, ascension leads on to reincarnation, and our souls need one life to be all wrapped up before moving on to the next.  When we reincarnate into a new life, we inherit the wisdom gained in previous lives, but we don’t inherit any baggage.  It wouldn’t be fair.

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Roy-Ocotber Run
October Run by Roy Shapley

Death brings us in touch with all the mysteries of the universe — both deeply personal and intimate, and cosmic.  Tackling the topic of what happens when we die in a pair of blog posts is daunting.  Death is a big deal — both big in its scope, and big in its importance — and beliefs abound on the subject of what happens when we die.  I am not an authority on the subject, and I mean no disrespect to anyone’s beliefs, but I have learned things through my work as a psychic medium, and I feel qualified to answer at least a few of the most common questions I get asked.

Is death the end?

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dark cloudsIt was in the news again, the report of three young boys killed by their mother, this time in Ohio, but really it could have been anywhere.   I read this latest story of children dying at the hands of a person who was supposed to love and care for them and thought, “Time to tell the story of Amy.”

Amy was just a little girl, maybe five or six, when she died, abused and killed by one or both of her parents.  I did not know her in life, and when I met her in death, she was confused, both by what had happened to her “before,” and by what was happening to her now “after.”  I have to admit that I was a little confused, too — every other ghost that I had encountered to that point (and there were A LOT) existed in human form.  Not Amy.  Amy was a formless cloud of energy.

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photo by Roy Shapley
photo by Roy Shapley

I get asked this question during almost every Reading that I do.  I think the question is a natural one, but more honestly stated as:  Did they HAVE to die?  Right THEN?

I don’t know if we are born with an expiration date.  Maybe.  Maybe not.

What I do know is that during a Reading, I ask the question and convey the answer that comes.  But more often than not, the answer back from the deceased loved one is:  Tell them about time.

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